Admission Referrals

Residential Treatment Services
Referrals to Choices, Child and Adolescent Services residential treatment program are made directly to the main residence office. Referrals are reviewed from any source including parents, youth justice, Children’s Aid Societies, physicians, schools, or other social service agencies. Referrals for services are accepted for children and youth up to the date of their 18th birthday. For the transition to independence programs referrals may be accepted for young people over 18 years of age. Choices, Child and Adolescent Services will accept referrals for residential treatment from throughout Ontario.
If you are making a referral to Choices you may submit a package of information containing the child or youth’s current psychological, educational, medical and youth justice reports and assessments. If you require a referral form you can access it by clicking here.
When a referral request is received, a brief telephone consultation will occur to insure that the young person being referred meets the fundamental criteria for program admission. A file summary will then be requested for a more thorough review (to include assessments, court reports, psychological evaluations, social/family history, plans of care etc.). Initial screening should be completed within 5 working days after receipt of file summary.
The final stage of the admission process is a meeting and individual interview with the young person, and when possible and appropriate, his parents and/or guardian. This interview will occur at the residence and will allow for a tour of the site, and pre-orientation to the program. Collateral contacts with other involved professionals, members of community teams, and education sources will also occur at this point. Following the interview, the completion of collateral contacts, and based on clinical appropriateness, admission will be confirmed with the referring agent.
Supported Semi Independent Living: (P.A.D. Programs – Promoting Ability and Determination)
As young people prepare for discharge from the residential treatment program they may have the option of transitioning with staff support to one of three community based programs that emphasize the importance of independence. These three bed programs are situated in the municipality of Chatham Kent and focus on the continued healthy maturation of the young men graduating from the Choices program. Young people being considered for these programs would need to be demonstrating risk management skills, basic independent living skills, motivation in treatment, and a desire to move into self supported living situations post discharge.
Referrals to the semi independent living programs can also be made for clients not previously involved in the residential treatment portion of the Choices, Child and Adolescent program. These referrals can be made directly to the main residence office. Referrals are reviewed from any source including parents, youth justice, Children’s Aid Societies, or other social service agencies. For the transition to independence programs referrals may be accepted for young people over 18 years of age. Choices, Child and Adolescent Services will accept referrals for the semi independent living programs from throughout Ontario.
Referrals can be made to:
Dwayne Tatsu
Program Manager,
Choices, Child and Adolescent Services
7423 Angler Line,
Dover Center, NOP 1L0
519-351-2447 ext. 23